Monday, March 26, 2007


Well its officially spring, and I'm not sure I did everything I wanted to do this winter. I didn't go snowboarding enough, I didn't build a quinzee, I didn't go skating enough, and I didn't go ice fishing enough.

God sometimes has weird timing, actually most of the time he doesn't answer us right aways when we pray for guidance. Enlightenment sometimes comes to us when we least expect it. But heres a funny story for you, I was at saturate(big youth/young adult praise and worship shindig) last night and here was this guy from camp(bcbc) standing right next to me and I, for the life of me couldn't remember what his name was. Names were going thought my head, Kevin, Kyle, James,Rick,etc. and I was crossing them all off. So I was like "God, it would be really cool if you could tell me his name". I keep on thinking of names, and faces, none of them were right. so finally I just sort of forgot about it, and was listening to the speaker talk. And he was kinda talking about how we should live our whole lives for Jesus and thats when he kept repeating "we are tired of our relationship with god being lukewarm" and the second time it hit me. ITS LUKE!
so I started talking to him, don't think he remembered my name but I didn't expect him to.

well thats all the time i have to post so i just thought that was a cool little moment, showed me how God can show you stuff.

1 comment:

Chantel said...

Poopie...It's supposed to be Spring isn't it? Doesn't feel too much like it outside lately. And hey, it's Monday, it's been another week since you've posted...-wait patiently for an updated post- Motivate yourself boy! Just kidding, I just look forward to reading your stuff is'all. Have a good week Chad.