Thursday, August 23, 2007

at a stand still yet going fast

well it seems like camp was just yesterday but here it is almost 3 weeks later...
what have I done in the last 3 weeks...
well im still unemployed, I sent out a couple resumes but I haven't really been too into it, im going to send a job placement agency my resume so I can get a few more options.
right now my posible options are working at iron mountain( a mobile paper shredding company), working at the brick in the warehouse, or maybe being a landscape labourer for the rest of the season.

Its been a while since ive had a evening where I haven't been doing something so I've been staying pretty busy

Haven't blogged for a long time mainly cause I didn't have anything new or profound to say but another part is that my computer broke down to a point where it wouldn't even start up anymore
, so instead of going and getting that 6 year old computer fixed we went and got a new one

my mom went for laser eye surgery today, so pray that her eyes wont hurt too much so she can sleep and that the proceeder will have full effect and her eyes will be restored



Cynthia said...

Hey there Chad, i was just reading Dayna's blog and i saw that you had one so i thot i'd check it out. Love your camp comments. soooo good to hear about and i'm blessed to have had the privilege of seeing your passion for God and ministry at camp. How's your mom doing? please give her a big "get well eyes" hug from me (i think this is possible:) take care and maybe we'll see more of you in the coming days as i'm moving to the bit city tommorrow. last, but definitely not least, all the best with the job search. <>< <>< cynthia

Mark said...

Hey, thanks again for the help the yesterday Chad. My hands are so hurting from that concrete, gloves for sure next time!